How Do I Update My School's Profile?

How Do I...?,


  • The primary member contact (PMC)
  • Anyone with administrative access


Updating your school’s profile involves reviewing and updating general school information, dates for key school events, and making sure that ADVIS has the correct name and contact information for your academic leaders, key administrators, and staff. We also base your school's annual dues based on the information. The information needed and instructions on how to do that are below.

It is important to be thorough when updating your school's information.

  • To get the most value from your school’s membership, it is best to add as many staff, faculty, and board members as possible to your school's profile. That’s how everyone associated with your school will know about the events, resources, and benefits available to them.

  • Some* of the information you provide will be used on your school’s page in ADVIS’s School Directory. This directory is frequently viewed by parents who are researching independent school options for their child(ren). To capitalize on this marketing opportunity for your school, it is best to provide as much information about your school as you can. Using photos and videos will make your page visually appealing and entice viewers to click through to your website.

  • To give you an idea of what a fully fleshed out school profile can look like, click HERE, and then click on A Sample School. Again, this marketing tool is one of your ADVIS member benefits. Use it to your full advantage!


Since you will need to provide data for all required fields to SAVE your school’s profile form, here is the list of all the information you’ll need before you start.


Contact Information (these fields were migrated from our old system and should be filled)

  • Phone
  • Website
  • Billing Address
  • Shipping Address
  • County/Parish

School Information

  • School Type (drop-down:  Boarding, Day, Boarding, and Day)
  • Grades (select each grade your school serves)
  • School Gender (drop-down:  All Girls, All Boys, Coed, Coed and Single Gender)
  • Is Special Needs? (drop-down:  Yes, No)
  • Religious Affiliations (select from the options provided)
  • Accreditation (enter the organization with whom you are accredited)
  • Memberships (list all organizations, including ADVIS, to which your school belongs)

School Data 

  • Head of School Name
  • Head of School Email Address
  • Head of School Start Date
  • Board Chair/Clerk Name
  • Board Chair/Clerk Email Address
  • Board Chair/Clerk Start Date
  • Primary Admission Contact Name
  • Primary Admission Contact Job Title
  • Primary Admission Contact Email Address
  • Student Enrollment
  • Annual Operating Budget (drop-down menu: Less than $500,000,  $500,001 - $1,000,000, $1,000,001 - $5,000,000, $5,000,001 - $15,000,000, $15,000,001, $25,000,000, or More Than $25,000,000)
  • Total $ Amount of Tuition assistance Awarded
  • Percentage Students Receiving Tuition Assistance

Important School Dates

  • Graduation Date
  • In-Service Days
  • Spring Break Start Date
  • Spring Break End Date

*Please Note:  None of the financial information that you provide will be displayed or shared. It will be used to provide comparative information on your school’s dashboard and for benchmarking purposes. Currently, only your Head of School has access to your school’s dashboard.

Some non-required fields that you may want to be sure to include:

  • Mission - your school’s elevator pitch
  • Admissions Events - An excellent way to publicize your school’s Open Houses, Tours, etc.
  • Organization Overview - Expand upon your school’s mission statement or talk about exciting and unique things going on in your school.

Information in these fields will appear on your school’s public-facing page on our website; however, if you don’t provide it, the heading for that field will not appear, and that space will be blank on your school’s page.

Another Note:  Since your school’s page on ADVIS’s website is a marketing tool for your admissions efforts, we will grant your school’s Primary Admissions Contact access to the school’s profile once we have the contact information for them.



  1. Login to your Member Compass
    (The Member Compass is the hub for all of your personal activity with ADVIS, such as your event registrations and CE credits. But, because you are your school’s PMC, you also have access to your school’s profile.)
  2. Go to the menu down the left side of the Compass and select Company. This is where you will review and update the school’s information. Once completed, hit the SAVE button at the top of the section.
  3. Next, go back to the menu on the left and click on People.
  4. Review the list of people associated with your school. These are the people who are receiving notices about ADVIS upcoming events that pertain to their FUNCTION/JOB ROLE within your school, among other ADVIS member benefits. Note the Previous and Next navigation at the bottom of each page of the list.
  5. To update your school’s list:
  • You can add a person by clicking on the teal Add Person button on the top right of the section.
  • You can remove a person by clicking on Remove Person on the right end of the person’s row.
  • You can edit a person by clicking on Edit Profile on the right end of the person’s row.


Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. The ADVIS staff looks forward to continuing to serve you as a valued member of ADVIS.


If you have any questions or run into any trouble, please don’t hesitate to contact Candyce Wilson via e-mail or call 610-527-0130.