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Established in Chestnut Hill in 1858, Mount Saint Joseph Academy is a private, college preparatory, Catholic school for young women in grades 9 through 12, sponsored by the Sisters of Saint Joseph. At the Mount, young women are inspired to dream big and journey deep. The school is known for its dynamic, college-style schedule, unique curricular choices, and personalized approach to education, led by dedicated faculty.
ADVIS Logo Member Schools

9, 10, 11, 12
Student Enrollment
School Gender
All Girls
School Type
Religious Affiliation
Is Special Needs?
Mount Saint Joseph Academy, a college preparatory school, empowers young women to realize their fullest potential. Imbued with a spirit of unity and reconciliation, the charism of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, Mount Saint Joseph Academy fosters excellence tempered by gentleness and compassion.
Enriched by the values of the Catholic Church, Mount Saint Joseph Academy offers academically rigorous programs, which challenge students to shape the future. In a student-centered, collaborative environment, Mount Saint Joseph Academy provides a holistic education with an emphasis on global responsibility.
Faithful to "educating founders," Mount Saint Joseph Academy enables students to be agents of transformation in the face of moral and ethical challenges in an ever-evolving society. Trusting in the wisdom echoed by the Constitution fo the Sisters of Saint Joseph, the mission asserts, "On the education of women largely depends the future of society."
Association of Maryland & DC Independent Schools, Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools
Primary Admissions Contact Name
Kiera McCloy
Primary Admissions Contact Job Title
Director of Enrollment
Primary Admissions Contact Email Address
Admissions Events
09/29/2024 Open House