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Future Proofing Education: A Yearlong Odyssey

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 to Wednesday, May 14, 2025

Hybrid: 2 in-person sessions, 6 online sessions

Event Details

“...tell the old story for our modern times. Find the beginning."

This year-long cohort embarks on a transformative journey designed to navigate the evolving landscape of education, recognizing the myriad challenges and boundless opportunities that define our era. As we step into this adventure, we are guided by a commitment to not only address the immediate needs of our learning communities but also to anticipate and adapt to the uncertainties of the future.

This cohort is an invitation to educators, leaders, and administrators to come together in a collaborative quest to explore innovative practices, embrace emerging technologies, and foster human connections that lie at the heart of meaningful education. Through a series of thoughtfully curated sessions, we will delve into critical themes—from reimagining assessment to harnessing the power of AI in teaching, and from strengthening our school cultures to prioritizing well-being and inclusivity. "Future Proofing Education" is more than a program; it's a collective commitment to preparing our students, and ourselves, for a world that is constantly changing. Together, we will chart a course through this odyssey, armed with curiosity, courage, and an unwavering belief in the transformative power of education.

Session I ~ September 18, 2024 (in-person)
The Journey Begins: A Collaborative Quest for Learning kicks off our year with a focus on understanding the unique challenges and needs of our educational communities. This session brings together teachers, leaders, and administrators to start a conversation about what matters most in our schools. We'll work together to identify key issues and start building practical, context-specific solutions. It's about making connections, supporting each other, and taking the first steps toward improvements that make sense for our own unique situations. Simple, collaborative, and focused on real needs—that's how we start our journey.

Session II ~ October 30, 2024 (virtual)
Heart of the Matter: Prioritizing Teaching and Learning underscores the fundamental belief that at the core of every school's mission must be a commitment to great teaching and learning. Despite the growing pressures and diverse demands from our constituents, this session reaffirms that the essence of education lies in the quality of instruction and the learning experiences we provide. Recognizing the challenges educators face in balancing these demands, we explore strategies to keep teaching and learning at the forefront of our school cultures.

We are excited to welcome Dr. Stuart Kime co-founder and Director of Education from Evidence Based Education, who will introduce the Great Teaching Toolkit. Dr. Kime's insights will offer us a valuable framework for revitalizing our conversations about what makes teaching effective and how we can recognize and foster great learning. This session is an opportunity for us to reflect on our practices, engage with evidence-based approaches, and consider new pathways to ensure that our schools remain dedicated to the heart of education: transformative teaching and impactful learning.

Session III ~ November 20, 2024 (virtual)
Infinite Horizon: Exploring the Boundless Possibilities of AI and Online Learning captures the expansive potential and forward-thinking approach to integrating artificial intelligence and asynchronous models into educational practices. This session is designed to open minds to the vast opportunities these technologies offer, presenting AI and online learning not as replacements for the traditional classroom, but as complementary tools that can enrich and diversify the learning experience. By framing these innovations within the context of endless possibilities, we aim to address and alleviate skepticism, inviting educators to envision a future where technology enhances human connection, creativity, and pedagogical effectiveness. "Infinite Horizon" is about looking beyond the immediate challenges to see the long-term benefits and transformative potential of embracing these digital frontiers in education.
Hear from industry thought leaders such as Sohan Choudhury, co-founder of FlintK12, a leading AI platform from schools, and Professor Marc Watkins, Academic Innovation Fellow at the University of Mississippi.

Sessions IV & V ~ December  11, 2024 & January 15, 2025 (virtual)
Optional virtual pop-in sessions for feedback on artifact creation and school work.

Session VI ~ February 5, 2025 (virtual)
The Unexamined Class: Reflecting to Transform Education centers on the pivotal role of introspection and inquiry in cultivating a rich culture of learning within our schools. This session is dedicated to the belief that constant questioning and investigation are not just academic exercises but fundamental practices, including recent efforts aimed at grading and assessment reform, that can significantly enhance the educational experience for both teachers and students. By fostering an environment where educators are encouraged to act as experts within their local contexts, we aim to empower them to tailor learning experiences that are both meaningful and impactful.

We are thrilled to welcome Dr. David Daniel, professor emeritus at James Madison University and current program director at the National Science Foundation, to guide us through this exploration. Dr. Daniel's expertise in creating cultures of investigation will provide invaluable insights into how educators can adopt the role of researchers in their classrooms. Through this collaborative session, we seek to underline the importance of reflective practice and continuous improvement, emphasizing the role of teachers and educators as pivotal agents of change in shaping dynamic, responsive, and engaging learning environments.

Session VII ~ April 16, 2025 (virtual)
The Social Fabric of Learning: Weaving Connections in Education underscores the pivotal role of social connections in enriching the educational journey, inspired by Matthew Rascoff's insight that "school is learning embedded in social experience." This session will focus on the significance of establishing a strong sense of community within our schools, recognizing that a supportive and inclusive environment is key to effective learning. While acknowledging the varied stages of engagement with Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) initiatives across different schools, we aim to explore how these efforts can contribute to building these vital connections.

To further our understanding of creating meaningful educational relationships, we will be joined by Professor Alison Cook-Sather, who will introduce the concept of pedagogical partnerships. Professor Cook-Sather's expertise will guide us in examining how these collaborative dynamics between students and educators can transform the classroom environment, making it more responsive to the needs and strengths of all learners. Through this dialogue, we hope to inspire participants to embrace strategies that foster human connections, thereby enhancing the educational experience for everyone involved.

Session VIII ~ May 14, 2025 (in-person)
Forward Together: Envisioning and Celebrating Educational Futures" marks the culmination of our year-long exploration into the heart of educational innovation and transformation. This session is designed to serve as both a reflective pause and a springboard into the future, inviting participants to gather the insights, experiences, and connections forged over the past months. Together, we will look ahead, facilitating forward-thinking discussions that envision the future of education. Drawing upon the collective wisdom of the cohort, we'll explore emerging trends, technologies, and pedagogies that promise to shape the landscape of learning in the years to come.

In addition to future-gazing, this session is a celebration of progress and partnership. Participants will have the opportunity to share their successes and learnings in a vibrant showcase of projects, experiments, and innovations developed throughout the cohort. By sharing these artifacts of learning, we not only celebrate our achievements but also contribute to a shared repository of knowledge that can inspire and inform future educational endeavors.

"Forward Together" is not just a closing chapter but a launching pad for ongoing collaboration, continuous learning, and collective action. It reaffirms our commitment to reimagining education in ways that are inclusive, innovative, and impactful, ensuring that the journey of transformation, like education itself, is a never-ending quest for excellence.

Justin Cerenzia is the Buckley Executive Director of The EpiscopalAcademy's Center for Teaching and Learning. A Philadelphia area native, Justin is a veteran of three independent schools over the last two decades, dedicating his career to advancing educational excellence and innovation. A history teacher by trade, Justin nonetheless considers the future of education to be a central focus of his work. At The Episcopal Academy, he leads initiatives that blend cognitive science, human connection, and an experimenter's mindset to enhance teaching and learning. With a passion for fostering curious enthusiasm and pragmatic optimism, Justin strives to make the Center a beacon of learning for educators both within and beyond the school.


Dena Torino, Director of Programming


  • Sept. 18, 2024 | 8:30 AM-1:00 PM | in-person (location TBA)
  • Oct. 30, 2024 | 4:00-5:30 PM | virtual
  • Nov. 20, 2024 | 4:00-5:30 PM | virtual
  • Dec. 11, 2024 | 4:00-5:30 PM | virtual
  • Jan. 15, 2025 | 4:00-5:30 PM | virtual
  • Feb. 5, 2025 | 4:00-5:30 PM | virtual
  • Apr. 16, 2025 | 4:00-5:30 PM | virtual
  • May 14, 2025 | 8:30 AM -1:00 PM | in-person (location TBA)


This program has a minimum of 15 participants in order to run and a max of 40. Please register early.
Member Schools ~ $650 per person
Non Member Schools* - $950 per person
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Check our list of ADVIS Member Schools


We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to engage fully. Please feel free to request an accommodation on the registration form. For inquiries about accessibility, please contact Membership and Outreach Manager Candyce Wilson. At least two weeks' advance notice will help us to provide seamless access.

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