ADVIS is a regional not-for-profit association that serves over 1,700 administrators and trustees, in over 130 independent schools in eastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, by providing professional development, networking, marketing and advocacy for our schools.

ADVIS schools continue to expand facilities and to issue RFPs for ongoing goods and services. ADVIS encourages businesses and organizations that would like to provide services to independent schools to become an ADVIS Underwriter.

 ADVIS Underwriting is:
  • An excellent resource for new business and marketing opportunities for business development
  • Recognized, valued, and appreciated by all ADVIS member schools

You can directly market your services to our member schools by:
  • Listing your services in our online Business Partner Directory.
  • Helping to underwrite our professional development programs (various levels of support) by:
    • becoming an Event Underwriter
    • becoming a Preferred Partner

Although ADVIS does not specifically endorse any company or product, we do recommend to our member schools that they consider ADVIS Underwriters when searching for firms for goods and services.

"We consistently counsel our members to consider our corporate underwriters for any requests for goods and services.  These businesses are loyal ADVIS supporters, and usually become so as a result of referral by one or more satisfied member schools."

– Former CFO, ADVIS Member School

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Fill out an application to become an ADVIS Underwriter using our online form: