DURING SCHOOL HOURS we can accommodate parking for:
No more than 30 cars
30 to 60 cars
60 to 100 cars
over 100 cars
Not applicable
AFTER SCHOOL HOURS we can accommodate parking for:
No more than 30 cars
30 to 60 cars
60 to 100 cars
over 100 cars
Not applicable
We have facilities folks who can help direct traffic
DURING SCHOOL HOURS we can arrange for the following (check all that apply):
Gymnasium (set up theater style or with tables & chairs)
Large meeting spaces (30-50)
Small meeting (class/board) rooms (up to 30)
Dining/lunch room
Other (please specify below)
Other available space during school hours
AFTER SCHOOL HOURS we can arrange for the following (check all that apply):
Gymnasium (set up theater style or with tables & chairs)
Large meeting spaces (30-50)
Small meeting (class/board) rooms (up to 30)
Dining/lunch room
Other (please specify below)
Other available space after school hours
We have the following presentation amenities (check all that apply):
LCD projector and screen
Overhead projector and screen/white board
Speaker system for computer audio output
Lavaliere microphones
Hand held microphones
Additional comments (enter below)
Comments about presentation amenities
Thank you for your interest! Please be sure to click "Submit" below, and look for a confirmation message in your browser, to be sure your form was successfully transmitted. Contact Jennifer Gorman-Strawbridge, Director of Professional Development, at jennifer@advis.org if you have any questions.