2024 CICCI Resource Page
Friday, August 23, 2024
The Episcopal Academy • 1785 Bishop White Drive • Newtown Square • PA • 19073
The Episcopal Academy • 1785 Bishop White Drive • Newtown Square • PA • 19073
Welcome to the 2024 Cheryl Irving Cultural Competency Institute!
Here you will find all the information and details you will need for the program.
Questions? Please contact Dena Torino.
Campus Map
Facilitator Information
Campus Map ARRIVAL: Please arrive no later than 8:00 AM in order to have time to set up your space/room. This year, there will be a small tote bag for each facilitator to pick up at Check In with your supplies to set up your room (markers, large sticky easel papers - 3 for each session, prompts for those easel papers, and tech notes, wifi passwords, and directions) and name tag. Use the time before the keynote to get situated with the tech and set up in your room.
*IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT TECH: You must bring your own plus, adaptors, and laptops.
This year EA is hosting new middle school families for a technology workshop on the day of CICCI. This means tech support will be limited to the main theater and keynote. We will be able to access wifi and use the tech in your rooms but if we run into tech issues, please be prepared to lead your group the “old fashioned” way. Each classroom will have the large wall sticky notes and dry-erase markers, as they did last year.
FACILITATOR ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: Room assignments and numbers will be sent to you once registration is closed. A reminder about breakout groups: participants will NOT be assigned a specific room. They will be able to pick a room that has space and once a room is full, move on to the next room. This means you may get a mixture of folx from different schools and with different rolls. Group size will be approximately 18 people.