Creating a Framework for Inquiry and Expression for National & International Events

At our recent Retreat for Heads and Assistant Heads of School, Deerfield Academy Head of School John Austin introduced Thriving in a World of Pluralistic Contention: A Framework for Schools. This framework serves as a guide for schools eager to have discussions around addressing the increased polarization and politicization in independent schools. It offers three pillars for schools to consider: Expressive Freedom, Disciplined Nonpartisanship, and Intellectual Diversity.

Supported by the E.E. Ford Foundation, Dr. Austin worked worked closely with Lee Levison, recently-retired Head of School, Collegiate School, NY, as Project Director, and current school heads at Albuquerque Academy (NM), Germantown Friends (PA), Lakeside School (WA), Punahou School (HI), St. Andrew’s School (DE), College Preparatory School (CA), Trinity Preparatory School (FL), and Woodberry Forest School (VA), to develop this document.

Read the Framework. Share and discuss it with the leadership team of your school. Conversations around these important topics can only enhance our school communities.